Una de las mejores bandas de garage punk contemporaneo. Sin duda los Makers han influenciado a muchas bandas de garage. Una de las muchas cosas que me encanta de esta gran banda son sus guitarrasos esponteaneos y sus constantes e ingeniosos ritmos, cualquier guitarrista al escuchar alguna buena rola de Los Makers, seguramente se debe decir a si mismo: "Como no se me ocurrió antes". Ahora bien, si a esto añadimos fuzz hasta el tope y distorsiones crudas, más una voz demasiado cruda y ritmica, tenemos a Los Makers.
Este es un gran album, si aun no lo han escuchado. Haganme caso: este es de los discos que valen la pena "
A old great garage punk band of our days, surely The Makers have influenced a many garage bands, this fellas really rockin'.One of the many things that i like The Makers is his spontaneity, and the ingeniuos rhythms, the guitar in the makers is the best, any guitarrist, when listen them, surely thinks: How i didn't occurred me before?This sound is magnificent, the fuzzes & raw distortions, add a raw & rhythm voice, what we have?: We have The Makers. This albums is the best, if you don't have listen it, do it now.
Este es un gran album, si aun no lo han escuchado. Haganme caso: este es de los discos que valen la pena "
A old great garage punk band of our days, surely The Makers have influenced a many garage bands, this fellas really rockin'.One of the many things that i like The Makers is his spontaneity, and the ingeniuos rhythms, the guitar in the makers is the best, any guitarrist, when listen them, surely thinks: How i didn't occurred me before?This sound is magnificent, the fuzzes & raw distortions, add a raw & rhythm voice, what we have?: We have The Makers. This albums is the best, if you don't have listen it, do it now.
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