martes, 18 de marzo de 2008

The Makers (REPOST)

Just when you thought you knew The Makers...This is their world through cat eyes, a rock 'n roll resurrection beyond all expectation. The Makers have been to the crossroads and returned with 13 shining jewels reminiscent of The Velvet Underground, Stax records, Richard Hell and The Kinks, yet undeniably, Makers. Estrus Records proudly presents The Makers' fifth full-length LP/CD "Psychopathia Sexualis". Recorded by Jack Endino and Mike Maker, "Psychopathia Sexualis" is a titillating torture-tonic of sex-mad soul music, betrayal, and degenerate guitar-lust. This is music for abused children and tormented adults, the wild and the sexually damaged. The world doesn't want you, so invite The Makers into your heart and let them guide you on a greater path. This is your last chance to live again, to rise above the masses, to stand up, and begin again! All songs written and performed by The Makers.
Una de las mejores bandas de garage punk contemporaneo. Sin duda los Makers han influenciado a muchas bandas de garage. Una de las muchas cosas que me gustan de esta gran banda, son sus guitarrasos esponteaneos y sus constantes e ingeniosos ritmos, cualquier guitarrista al escuchar alguna buena rola de Los Makers, seguramente se debe decir a si mismo: "Como no se me ocurrió antes". Ahora bien, si a esto añadimos fuzz hasta el tope y distorsiones crudas, más una voz cruda y ritmica, tenemos a Los Makers. Este es un gran album, si aún no lo han escuchado, haganme caso: este es de sus discos que valen la pena "
A old great garage punk band of our days, surely The Makers have influenced to many garage bands, this fellas really rockin'. One of the many things that i like The Makers is his spontaneity, and the ingeniuos rhythms, the guitar in the makers is the best, any guitarrist, when listen them, surely thinks: How i didn't occurred me before? This sound is magnificent, the fuzzes & raw distortions, add a raw & rhythm voice, what we have?: We have The Makers. This album is the best, if you don't have listen it, do it now.

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